Culture of light
Let it be light …
It is a well known fact that nowadays the light, which is the basis of modern way of living, substitutes sun-light. Nevertheless, that fact is something we don’t give a lot of thought. But, thanks to it, our world can function, and we are able to use the time that we have to the maximum extension. Without light our living habits would end at dusk, and our working day would finish with sun-set.
“The master of the game” – light, is the creator, the puppeteer which skillfully pulls the ropes on a small stage underneath it, where, with one click it can change the mood, color, it can warm up the coldness with its warm tones.
Without light there is only darkness. Light gives us unlimited possibilities.
Understanding its influence, effect, possibilities, its direct participation in creating emotions and sensation of the moment altogether make a whole light culture.
This seemingly secondary thing plays crucial part in our living environment. To have a control over it and being able to manage it is a kind of art having in mind all the characteristics of the time that we live in.